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Mission Statement
With the motto HEALTH, HEALING and HOPE, WCMM is a Catholic non-profit, Intergovernmental organization with a focus on solving health problems in needy locations around the world.
The organization assists all who seek help regardless of race, religion, nationality, age or gender.
The agency is responsible for providing first aid to people who really need help, taking medicine, treatment and healing to hard-to-reach places and places affected by environmental or human disasters.
WCMM Works in conjunction with non-governmental missionaries using CMM Mednet, a cooperative network of various medical aid agencies that work together to select and assist medical projects around the world.
The WORLD CATHOLIC MEDICAL MISSION provides medical assistance, building and assisting local community entities, medical aid workers, and other services. This is done:
By first helping existing programs and then encouraging the implementation of new initiatives.
- Including education and medical training where necessary and possible.
- Minimizing costs to help those in need as much as possible.
The WCMM  is to provide the Spiritual and Financial assistance for the Missions and poorest in the world, with headquarters in France.
The Missionaries of Charity Secular Franciscan  Order endeavor, through the medium of direct mail, to encourage people of good will to become partners through their daily prayers, their sacrifices and their offerings. There is no membership fee.
In its use of a variety of popular religious booklets, M is devoted also to increasing the spiritual awareness of its clientele, reminding them of the doctrine of the Faith of Jesus, and pointing out to them how Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Teresa of Calcutta so closely followed in the footsteps of Jesus. 
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